Below you will find the list of resource and reference links. These links are listed in the order that they appear in the text. Follow along or come back to this list after you wrap up your reading to take a deeper dive into the material.
Resources on Thriving: A Survival Guide for ‘23
the amygdala steps in and causes the brain to act differently
Research has shown that negative posts get far more reactions than happy posts
Deaths by violence are down. Infant mortality is way down. Extreme poverty is vanishing in most countries. And, life expectancies are generally up
…look at the data and read the excellent book Factfulness.
…number of close friendships we have has actually fallen over the past several decades
…‘right’ number of close friendships, it’s 3-5. Take that with a grain of salt though.
We’re lonelier and that has impacts on all sorts of things from mental health to economic productivity.
It may even explain some of the untethered bad behavior we see on planes, in stadiums, and at hospitals.
In fact, women who get divorced do fine without the troublesome spouse (interestingly, not so for the men).
How do we make closer friends, especially as adults? It’s hard, and may take hundreds of hours.
Here’s the golden nugget buried in this chapter: the best way to strengthen your tie to someone is to ask them for help.
If you feel like you need to be on email or chat and can’t get focused work done, think about the pomodoro approach.
Exercise decreases the risk of cancer. Exercise helps prevent dementia. Exercise helps you get better quality sleep. Clearly, moving is a good thing.
We recently learned that being a weekend warrior has similar health benefits to daily exercise.
In fact, the planning of a vacation might make us as happy as actually taking the trip.
NASA publishes an Image of the Day on its website. Bookmark it and replace your social media coffee break with a burst-of-awe coffee break.
…we know setting goals matter, yet only 41% of us make a New Year’s resolution.